Wild Dreams

There could be 2 reasons that a wild dream won’t let go of you.

1- Life is flirting, luring you into a future. You put your idea aside, but it comes back. It is insistent; if anything your dream gets wilder. The vision demands to be realized, and life keeps urging you to bring it into the world.

2- Your unique combination of ideas, knowledge and experience may hold something that life longs for. If you keep your dream in your head alone and don’t act on it, this idea could be lost to the world.

Uncertainty may pull you off balance, fear may grip you at times, that is part of the creative process. Whether in a professional or personal context, straying from the safety of the status quo can be terrifying.

So, how does one step into the unknown, the void; how do you disarm and even befriend your fear? Naming it when it shows up (fear, panic, terror, mild discomfort, angst) can be a first step.  You might acknowledge that this fear is trying to keep you safe; you could even thank it for its loyalty to you. At the same time, you do not need to let fear hold you hostage.

If your vision is sound, it will supply enough fuel for you to handle your trepidation.
Go ahead, dive in.


Posted in How to Dream
Jan Elfline

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