We take a thoughtful approach to action, taking action not for its own sake, but only when it is aligned with who we are and what we want for the world.
Aligned Action International

I taught my first three-day classes on the topic of professional coaching in 1998 in Chicago, Hong Kong, and Copenhagen. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was my initiation into what would be a life on the road for the next 15 years.
In 2012, I limited my travel to locations on my own continent (and that use the same electric plug!) While at home I went through all the teaching materials and classroom exercises from years of projects. The best of the best made it into the Aligned Action International coach training program, which was accredited by the International Coach Federation in 2013.
The Level 2 Program
The Aligned Action International Accredited Coach Training Program (ICF Level 2)* is a comprehensive coach training course that prepares the participant to enter the profession as a certified coach.
The course is also sought out by individuals who want to learn coaching skills at a professional level, then utilize those skills in a career other than coaching, in their role as a manager, leader, entrepreneur, researcher, educator or artist.
Our Philosophy
Our models and perspectives center on self-leadership. Too often we try to bully ourselves to stir up motivation for what we brand as “good for us.” Aligned Action coaching asks that the client (and coach) move from a mindset of self-control or self-management to one of self-leadership. We take a thoughtful approach to action, choosing behaviors that are aligned with who we are and what we want for the world. When we make the shift to a habit of aligned self-leadership, life takes on a rich quality of choice and a profound sense of freedom.
The Course
The classroom experience is primarily hands-on, and individual exercises focus on different ICF core competencies. Participants will coach others, and be coached themselves.
Completion of the entire program (classroom hours, mentoring, work experience and exams) typically takes one to two years. The experience and mentoring hours (after classroom training) are self-paced, so the student determines the timeline. The “fastest” graduate completed in 10 months from the start of class to an Aligned Action International Level 2 diploma.
Download the ICF required “fine print” for this program here.
While colleagues teach in the classrooms, I show up on the computer. This means I get to sleep in my own bed and I don’t have to go through passport control in Chicago.
To find schedules and prices, and learn other details about Aligned Action courses, contact one of these local sponsors.
*International Coach Federation Accredited Coach Training Program. The ICF is the largest professional organization for coaches, with over 10,000 certified coaches worldwide. They conduct rigorous assessment criteria for programs, and the Level 2 program is set at the highest of the three standards for their coaching training accreditation. See www.coachfederation.org for more information.